Esther Murray

About Esther Murray

As a bit of an idealist, Esther often dreams of a world where kindness is the currency and where no one ever suffers from hunger or mistreatment. In the hopes of making some part of this dream a reality, Esther studied a Bachelor of Social Work. She quickly discovered that she probably wasn’t going to save the world but could simply strive to make a difference in her everyday. Much later, as the sea of nappies, toys, teething and tantrums threatened to engulf the dreams of a former life, Esther began to write. Making meaning of a childhood in the Himalayas, the craziness of motherhood and the state of the world was a much-welcomed creative outlet. Esther loves doing life alongside her husband Clive raising their three young daughters. In her down-time Esther can be found drinking tea (never coffee), tinkering on the piano or bass-guitar, practicing her Urdu, rummaging the op-shops, or attempting some kind of DIY.

I woke up worrying this morning.  It was 4 am. I’d had a dream that spoke only of failure. I was vulnerable, I was not meeting expectations, I was letting people down. And of course people were watching. It was an uncomfortable dream, a little too close to home, and enough to set […]

To worry or not to worry…

I’ve had a breakthrough. Admittedly it’s a first-world kinda breakthrough – but a breakthrough nonetheless. My iphone storage had been almost full for the best part of a year and I couldn’t figure out how to clear it out. Taking photos was a frustrating endeavour, taking videos was almost impossible. It was […]

Clearing out the hidden stuff.

Stillness envelops me as I sit knees to chest, eyes closed and sheltered in a broad-brim hat. The sun overhead radiates therapeutic rays of warmth and comfort into my back and shoulders, sand squelches in my toes and the lapping waves create rhythmic music all around the bay. Isn’t this the life? […]

Etching words on mind and heart.

I don’t really want to write this. I think that it may too political or too divisive for this forum. I worry that perhaps I’m on my ‘soap-box’ again – maybe I should stick to talking to those who want to know. I had thought that this month I would write about my personal […]

Where do they find security?

to heal 10
I am in awe today. I have seen a level of strength, love, grace and forgiveness that is quite extraordinary….and very counter-cultural. All week I have been pondering the thought, “To heal or to hurt?” In each choice we make, we can bring healing or create more hurt. In the words we […]

To heal or to hurt?