Joni Leimgruber

About Joni Leimgruber

Joni lives just outside Sydney in the beautiful Hawkesbury region with her three children. Having journeyed through depression, marriage breakdown and some of the other curve balls life can throw, she is passionate about cheering others on and encouraging them to embrace themselves and their story. She is terrible at telling jokes and regularly comes down with foot-in-mouth disease while blushing profusely. Joni writes to encourage other single mums on Instagram at @singlemumsthriving.

loyalty/ˈlɔɪəlti/noun the quality of being loyal.”his extreme loyalty to the Crown” a strong feeling of support or allegiance.plural noun: loyalties“rows with in-laws are distressing because they cause divided loyalties” It’s a funny thing, loyalty. When I google image search ‘loyalty’, there are a LOT of dog images…. but is that really all we […]

Am I A Loyal Friend?