As we look at parenting this month, I reflect on my now 30 years as a parent of three. As I reflect, I both flinch at the times I feel like I got it quite wrong, and smile at the times I was a bit more cohesive and sensible in […]
If you want help then don’t fear, it can be found with the simple click of the computer keys. You can access online shopping, counselling, news, teaching, advice and even a church service. And what parent hasn’t responded to a child’s request for help with “Go ask google”. But the […]
Wisdom is the application of the knowledge we have received to bring practical change. Amanda Viviers, Seek: a devotional guide to surrender We live in a world that quickly checks the news or Google’s answers to the problems we find in our everyday. Our children know how to ask Siri […]
Equality cannot be limited to gender, disability, class, race or religion. It sits so much wider. It’s a matter of humanity when people look across at one another and say, “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” Of course, when equality is overlooked, we all need to step […]
No one is so poor that they cannot enrich the lives of others with kindness and compassion, as these coins come from the heart, not our purse.“ Josephson I have been ruminating about kindness so here’s some random wisdom from me and others. When we are not sure how to […]
“The kind man feeds his cat before sitting down to dinner.” Hebrew Proverb I have always loved Proverbs so here are some of my favourites about the positive influence of kindness as we enter the fun, sometimes silly season of Christmas and holidays. I am going to begin with ancient […]