Kindness Wisdom

No one is so poor that they cannot enrich the lives of others with kindness and compassion, as these coins come from the heart, not our purse.


I have been ruminating about kindness so here’s some random wisdom from me and others.

When we are not sure how to relate to someone, remember “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read,” and that a “warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”

When we think it takes money to make a positive impact in this world, consider the words of Josephson who said, “no one is so poor that they cannot enrich the lives of others with kindness and compassion, as these coins come from the heart, not our purse.” Love this.

As we draw near to the Christmas and holiday season and family gatherings highlight our differences and perhaps some family angst, remember, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Kindness is not a sign of weakness but of strength and when we are kind to others it changes me and others.

I know that “Kindness can keep someone warm for years” and the older I get the more I admire kind people over clever people.

So a prayer for us today comes from Dickens who said, “have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”

Let’s be kind.

This is a good year kinwomen.

No Regrets, Penny

About Penny

Penny was born in England, raised in New Zealand, lived in America and settled in Perth, Australia. Together with her husband Mark, she is raising a teenage daughter and has twin twenty-something sons. "Coming home at the end of a solid working day to family and friends is my delight" says Penny, Co-author of the book – She’s Not Your Competition. She is a heart-felt communicator who believes in the power of a person’s story. Penny has over 25 years experience as a high level leader and spokesperson in both the private and non-profit sectors with significant public relations experience. She is currently the CEO of South Coastal Women's Health Services, and prior on the Leadership Teams of Rise Network and Riverview supporting people in areas of mental health, domestic and family violence, and children overseas at risk of exploitation. She holds an MBA and MBL, and is a Board Director for the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia. For the past 15 years she has provided pro-bono support as a mentor for leaders and consultant to not for profits. Penny’s personal life endeavour is a determination to "make life better not bitter".