Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost I’ve been travelling pretty much since March this year on a quest to finish a novel I began in 2013. I worked on my book […]
The Day Her Life Began (Again) A short story By Elaine Fraser The day Lana’s life began again was just like any other. She got up, ate breakfast, showered, dressed, packed school lunches, put on a load of washing, ironed a shirt, and wondered for the millionth time, how she […]
Some conversations are hard. Some conversations never happen. Some conversations should happen. Some conversations need to happen. Some conversations change you. Some conversations change your course forever. Ten conversations that have mattered and made a difference in my life: 1. The time my boyfriend asked me to marry him and […]
There are many ways the word of ‘contribution’ can takes us… but what sprung to my mind was related to the family and in raising children, particularly through the teenager years when these young people are finding their own feet, developing their own thoughts and opinions and becoming the good independent […]
Sharing Your Difficult Story Safely We are living in an age, with our various medias, and in particular social medias, when it is so easy to tell our story. The challenge I often observe is that some people are sharing their ‘difficult life stories’ unwisely and the response by others […]
Laughter. Being able to have a good laugh and feel that feeling that only laughter brings is something that I know I need regularly. The challenge, however, is often my responsibilities get in the way. I remember as a child that laughter was so much a part of who I […]