Mish Pope

About Mish Pope

Mish is a seeker of knowledge, liberation and compassion. Deep down, Mish has made it a one of her life's missions to give women permission to 'come home' to their beautiful selves.

“Oh Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining” Adolphe Adam Being an expat (having moved from the USA over 12.5 years ago) I still find this time of year in Australia hard. It’s not cold. It’s not raining for 4 weeks straight. It’s not dark. The Christmas Trees look different. […]

Christmas Lights

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass I remember she was crawling. Getting into everything. Learning to walk, pulling all the drawers out. Toys strewn across the floor. … Then, if I’m honest I don’t remember much of her childhood. Smatterings of events, […]

Chasing Signifigance

Perfectionism is a 20-ton shield that we lug around thinking that it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing preventing us from being seen and taking flight Brene Brown So what is it that is deeply folded into the crevices of your heart? The ones that are trying […]


“I ask no favor for my sex, all I ask the brethren to take their feet off of their necks” Ruth Badar Ginsberg I was scrolling through Facebook and saw the trailer for the new documentary on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg — known as ‘Notorious RBG’. “What people […]

Quiet, but sharp