How do you find clarity at the end of a big year? For the last sixteen years as a year closes I take an afternoon and ask myself a series of questions to reflect and make decisions for the coming year. It is a ritual that has now become one […]
Letting go is much easier to say than do. The opposite of faith is not doubt, but I have found it to be control. Each year as I sit with this group of questions at the end of a year, it is a process that has helped me in the […]
“The only way through the emptiness is stillness: staring at that deep wound unflinchingly. You can’t outrun anything. I’ve tried. All you can do is show up in the stillness.” Shauna Niequist On the whole, I’m an eminently sensible person. I plan and strategise. Weigh up the pro and cons. […]
To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. Mary Oliver At my local beach there’s a group of middle aged men who jump off the jetty every morning. The varying shades of grey, and leathery bronze skin aren’t enough to disguise their deep boyhood—they splash each other and […]
This life is more than just a read through. Red Hot Chilli Peppers Three years ago, my husband and I started something new. Instead of plunging into the New Year and moving on to the next without a backward glance, we decided to get our previous year’s diaries out […]
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style.” Maya Angelou We plan meetings. We plan to exercise. We plan our families. We plan for the future, but can we plan for our […]