When you’re out at night and you need to walk back to your car alone it can be scary. I’ve often walked with my car key jammed between my fingers ready to hit someone if they jumped out at me. The sound of footsteps behind you can freak you out, […]
This time last year I said yes to curiosity and allowed it to take me where I needed to go. I’ve spent a lot of time interrogating myself, and curiosity has taken me to places in my soul I never expected. Curiosity tends to do that. Alice went down the rabbit […]
Trust is built in very small moments. Brené Brown There have been moments I’ve been trustworthy, and moments I’ve betrayed trust. There have been moments my trust has been built, and moments my trust has been betrayed. All these moments add up to a bank account of trust in other […]
Have you ever made a mistake that you keep reliving? A mistake that causes you to think about why it happened and what you did wrong? Are you living with the echoes of that mistake and can’t escape it? I remember the time I was talking about the death of […]
A month ago I was feeling quite secure and emotionally okay. THEN my friends Amanda and Jodie and I read Rising Strong by Brené Brown and decided to start an online book club. NOW I’m rumbling and reckoning with my emotions and security has taken on a whole new meaning. […]
I look out of the window, flames lick at the top of gum trees across the road. My heart beats faster and it’s as if helicopter blades slam around inside my head. I run and grab one child, tucking him under my arm like a newspaper and pick up my […]