Trust the process 3

How can you know what you’re capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown? 

Esmeralda Santiago

Hilariously, when I first responded to the post asking if anybody wanted to write on the topic of adaptability, I had no idea exactly what twists and turns my life journey was about to take.

But, the very next week I applied to study a Diploma of Counselling and was accepted just a few days later. And so, today, I sit at the table to write this blog. I am surrounded by four brand new notebooks for four different subjects and a myriad of textbooks. Tools for the new season that have all been gifted to me by dear friends who believe in this wild new step, a sweet kiss from Heaven that I am, in fact, on track.

I am getting ready both practically and in my heart for this exciting and yet overwhelmingly new season that starts next week. Talk about embracing the unknown hey?

I thought that I was going to be writing about one of the many other transitions and pivots that my life has taken in the past 22 years; and believe me, there are plenty to choose from.

Each and every one of them revealed to me a new level of growth, change, capacity, tenacity and faith than the one before it. Each one that revealed to me just what I was capable of every time I embraced the unknown.

Change like the breakdown of my first marriage when my three daughters were aged 2,4, and 6 that taught me humility and to accept love and support from healthy community in ways that I had never needed before.

Faith like making a decision to start a charity to help women wanting support to recover from addictions and exit the sex industry.  Women like who I used to be before I went to rehab and chose transformation for myself. Even though, I didn’t even know what a constitution was; I was just following a call into the unknown, a call that I followed for the next 14 years that taught me depths of challenge and taught me to take the courage to choose to hope over and over and over again.

Growth like making a decision to resign from that charity after 14 years., Following  a car accident that required me to choose to direct my efforts and my healing journey away from others and on to myself. Teaching me that taking a radical, and somewhat painful, leap into the great unknown was going to draw my closer to truth and freedom than I have ever known was possible and showing me that there is real beauty in my brokenness.

Tenacity like writing my first book when my first baby was just six months old rolling around on the floor, thinking that I was just writing my story for self-therapy purposes; having no idea that it would find its way into book form and into hearts and homes across the Globe. Teaching me that my that my obedience and surrender had a way of touching people in ways that I never would or could if I didn’t embrace the unknown and simply, but bravely, put one foot in front of the other.

Friend, I want to encourage you to let go of how you think it should all work out and trust the process a little more.

I believe that every time you choose to embrace the great unknown, you will discover more truth and beauty within and around you than you ever knew was possible.

It’s worth a try, right?

About Bronwen Healy

Bronwen Healy lives in Brisbane Australia and is an author and speaker who loves to communicate the heart of God and to draw others closer to Him through the power of vulnerable and authentic truth-telling; no matter who they are or where they’ve been. She loves sharing the goodness of God with anyone she meets and truly believes that kindness mixed with courage WILL change the World. She is passionate about people knowing their worth and discovering their true identities in Him; starting with herself. She is currently setting time aside to read and write more books, so stay tuned. Instagram - @bronwenhealy

3 thoughts on “Trust the process

  • Helen

    Beautifully written Bronwen, thanks so much for sharing and all the very best for your studies; what an exciting adventure into the beautiful unknown.

  • Elaine Fraser

    What a great story of tenacity, hope, faith, and openness to taking the next step-not knowing if it’s the right one or not-but doing it anyway.

    Can’t wait to see where the next big step of faith takes you.

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