The little: butter on dry toast 4


In my parents, I find many an example.

One of them is this beautiful truth:

With the little they had, they gave 25 years to serving people on a little island in the middle of the Arabian Sea.

Lives were bettered, love was lifted above all else.

Giving a little can often amount to large legacies. That is the beautiful truth.


In my husband, I find many an example.

One of them is this beautiful truth:

A little kiss before he leaves the house. Every time.

Waiting a little longer for me to get ready in the morning and still smiling.

That little bit of extra thoughtfulness can amount to an incredible marriage. That is the beautiful truth.


In my friend, I find many an example.

One of them is this beautiful truth:

A little dose of reality when I am on shaky ground.

The small gesture of recognizing time difference and saying ‘Good morning’ when she is just about to eat dinner.

Little bit of perspective and patience can alter a relationship. That is the beautiful truth.


In Jesus, I find many an example.

One of them is this beautiful truth:

In the little town of Bethlehem, a baby was born

In a small stable, to parents who didn’t have much

BUT He did BIG things. This one little life made history and changed it, all in one breath.

The little things in life often amount to big change. That is the beautiful truth.


This is the thing about the small things in life….it is often the unseen, the unheard, the mundane of our daily. But it is also the constant.

When life seems like dry toast, it is like the smear of butter that we crave.

That soft whisper from God, that one liner from a friend that puts things into perspective or that little kiss. Oh that kiss. It has saved me from myself so many times.

The Big can be scary sometimes right? But the little? The little is comfort. It is patient, it is kind and it does not demand its own way. The little thing is often the most loving thing you can do. For yourself and for others.

So… take a walk, cross the bridge, make the bed, share your fruit, pop the corn and settle in for the movie instead of painting the town red, do the laundry, send the thank you card, plead for the whispers from heaven and for the love of carbs, butter your toast.

And when all else fails, kiss.

What are the examples in your life of how the little is the actual big? I would love to hear.



About Riyanka Panditha

Hello. I am Riyanka. Commonly referred to as “Ria” and daily loved by my family and friends. I am a child of God, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I love to sing, dance in the rain and make single servings of cake. I am known for my listening skills and my lack of response to Facebook messages. You can follow my writing more over at I was born in India, raised in the middle east, spent my most growing years in the US, married the hottest Sri-Lankan Australian hunk and moved to Perth, Western Australia 4 years ago! Life is extravagant, yet simple. Extravagant in love, simple in things. Just the way I like it :)

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