
Coming up to the Christmas and holiday season, there is something that I look forward to more than anything – just sitting around, rather perhaps lazying around, and having fun, casual but meaningful conversations with family and friends. This Christmas is going to be a little bit different for us, […]

Creating Conversation Pits for Teenagers

There are many ways the word of ‘contribution’ can takes us… but what sprung to my mind was related to the family and in raising children, particularly through the teenager years when these young people are finding their own feet, developing their own thoughts and opinions and becoming the good independent […]

Forget the Chores, Contribute to the Family!

When was the last time you had a rib-scraping laugh? A rib-scraping laugh overtakes your body, your mind, and your soul. A rib-scraping laugh ends in tears that leak down your face and stress seeps out of you. A rib-scraping laugh sees you roll on the floor, clutch your sides […]

When Laughter Keeps You From Falling Apart