
Some conversations are hard. Some conversations never happen. Some conversations should happen. Some conversations need to happen. Some conversations change you. Some conversations change your course forever. Ten conversations that have mattered and made a difference in my life:  1. The time my boyfriend asked me to marry him and […]

Dare to Have That Conversation

Coming up to the Christmas and holiday season, there is something that I look forward to more than anything – just sitting around, rather perhaps lazying around, and having fun, casual but meaningful conversations with family and friends. This Christmas is going to be a little bit different for us, […]

Creating Conversation Pits for Teenagers

When you’re out at night and you need to walk back to your car alone it can be scary. I’ve often walked with my car key jammed between my fingers ready to hit someone if they jumped out at me. The sound of footsteps behind you can freak you out, […]

Walking Each Other Home