We are living in an age, with our various medias, and in particular social medias, when it is so easy to tell our story. The challenge I often observe is that some people are sharing their ‘difficult life stories’ unwisely and the response by others is not always positive, they are questioned or worst ignored…
It is really important that we tell our ‘difficult life stories’ safely.
As a friend, if you wanted to share your difficult story I would have a good cup of tea ready and…
I would ask you ‘why’ do you want to share your story because you will need to make sure your motivations are healthy
I would want you to understand the risks of sharing your story because you are placing yourself in a vulnerable place and some people’s reactions may take you by surprise.
I would want to make sure its a right time for you and others that may be a part of that story.
I would want to make sure that you have planned your story well so that your message of hope to help another is not lost in the pain, trauma or grief.
So, as a friend, I believe there may well be a good time to tell your ‘difficult life story’ but do it safely for you and for others.
No Regrets
I shared a difficult story last week and I hope I did it safely. I completely agree that you have to check your motives. If I’d shared it before now, it might have been because I wanted the validation and approval of others. And it might have crushed me if people were hurtful in their comments. But with professional help I’ve got to a place where I don’t need that approval anymore and my sharing is about encouraging others not bear their burdens alone.
The day after I shared my story, I said to my husband that I felt like we’d left fear behind. I weighed up the cost: some people might judge me, against the benefit: some people might be encouraged to seek support for themself. And I felt like people who might judge wouldn’t rock my sense of worth because that is really secure in God these days. But I don’t think you should share too publicly before you get to that point.
Sorry for the essay. This was just so relevant to me right now- and maybe your article might have been sparked by those recent confessions.
Hey Lovely,
Amanda here. You did it so safely, with a lot of water and healing under the bridges. My story is coming out in that context and its a big one. So standby. so much love Amanda
Penny this is gold. You have given us some great questions to use in telling difficult stories. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. xx