I often think that I truly know myself but then sometimes I am absolutely surprised by myself.
It’s like a part of me has been camouflaged, cloaked and held in secret.
Sometimes unexpected thoughts come into mind and they question things that just last year I felt sure about. Other times unexpected emotions that just erupt, like a volcano they have been sitting silent for years, but they are now telling me there is something below the surface I need to examine. Encouragingly there are times when I have been surprised by a gift or ability that I have simply because someone said, ‘try this’!
Henry Nouwen said, “hidden in us there are levels of not knowing, not understanding and not feeling that can only be revealed in us in our moments of great crisis.”
I believe this too. A significant change on our life’s journey; perhaps the loss of someone, a relational breakdown or career harm somehow brings an opportunity to see an aspect of ourselves that was once hidden; in the midst of significant change a new self emerges.
There may well be grief over loss and change but we can be cheerful in the new we are discovering.
No Regrets
Your words and the profound quote from Henri Nouwen speaks deep into my heart today. This is precisely where I find myself right now. Thank you Penny.