Sometimes if I listen to culture, expectation appears to be a dirty word – or at the very least, something to be avoided and rarely applied to others. Particularly our children.
When did this happen? When did expectations become primarily associated with fear and anxiety?
I believe expectations are part of every aspect of life. They are the shared principles that form a home, the foundation of trust in relationships and clarity in the work context. They are understandings that allow for effective work partnerships and personal values that hold us to standards of both behaviour and thinking.
Expectations are those sometimes lofty ideals that lie well ahead of us, as well as the line in the sand at our feet. They are not to be feared nor to be despised when we fail. We all fail. And when we do, we dust the dirt off our feet and look up with gratitude because new mercies arrive every morning.
New mercies every morning. Love that, Kelley.
Expectations are lofty and reality is grounding.