I often need perspective in life.
I love thinking about possible life scenarios and choices. I love filling my days with activities to make the most of every minute and opportunity that comes my way. I am an adventurer, doer and activator.
Now these are good things for my wiring but here’s one of my risk factor, I can be lured into a state of only listening to myself and those on the same journey. And that’s limiting. So, here’s my advice to self.
Read books about others whose story is very different to my own.
Listen to podcasts about topics outside of my experience.
Meet others from different backgrounds and beliefs.
Because I am reminded that when I do each of these things, I am surprised. I am surprised at people’s responses, learnings and insights. I am surprised at how differently I may have chosen and how wrong I may have been.
We don’t have to learn everything through personal experience. It is indeed a wonder how our perspective can be changed or expanded by listening well to the world about us.
So true Kelley.