There is a word from the Hebrew that is used eight times in the Bible as a response word for the moment. It is like saying, ‘I am ready and here to step into my forever moment’. The word essentially means, ‘Yes!’ But it can be described in so many other ways.
The word is Hineni.
Its translation indicates one’s presence in a situation, particularly one freighted with tension and responsibility. It describes our response to a moment of possibility.
Abraham said it when God asked him to bind Isaac, and once again in response to his son.
Jacob answered the call of an angel after he had a dream about his livestock and God called him back to the land of Israel where he could dream of higher things.
Joseph said this word when Jacob asked him to see how his brothers were fairing.
Moving beyond Genesis, Moses said it at the burning bush.
Samuel said it when God whispered to him in the night.
Isaiah said it when God was searching for a leader and volunteered himself with the beautiful words: ‘Here I am. Send me.’
As we step into a new year filled with opportunities that can change the trajectory of your life forever.
What is your response to those moments?
Is it ‘Yes, send me, I am present and ready for anything?’