Monthly Archives: February 2018

kinwomen 1
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” Master Yoda She comes down to our room bleary-eyed and grumpy. I take one look at her and can tell she didn’t sleep well. As she snuggles between us for her morning cuddle it is no surprise to hear the […]

What are you afraid of?

Kinwomen 3
“When in doubt, just take the next small step” Paulo Coelho This month my youngest child started full-time school.  With my house now strangely quiet, I’m allowing myself some time to reflect on my parenting years so far.  I remembered a pivotal moment where I learned something about getting to […]

Take the next small step

Kinwomen 1
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell My cave is called uncertainty. I try to avoid this place by most measures. I imagine it to be crowded with a chattering chaos of unanswered questions. Of its size I can’t be sure, I want to […]

A Way of Walking

Every Tuesday morning  on 98five Kinwomen will be talking about our theme for 2018. Anchored by Mike from the Morning Show. In 2018, Kinwomen is applying a filter to life. The filter of FEAR. It is not a singular issue. As if the question is,Are you fearful? How controlling is […]

Kinwomen now on the Morning Show