You are blessed with the heart of a wildflower.
Penny Webb
My favourite flowers have always been the wildflowers.
As a young child in England I loved the Buttercups and the Daisys that I formed into chains for my wrist and neck. As a young person in New Zealand, the yellow and white Freesias that edged the ditches of our lane where I walked most days to meet the school bus, filled my senses.
Wildflowers form no neat rows. They just are and wherever they seed they bring delight.
I love the ancient words of wisdom, “Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—have you ever seen colour and design quite like it?”
The message wildflowers have always given me is that they are true, true to their wildness. I love this about them, for the times when others have tried to tame me or when I constrain my unique wildness are the times when I have felt unsettled, unfulfilled and miserable.
You are blessed with the heart of a wildflower.
You are strong enough to rise again after you have been trampled on.
Tough enough to weather the worst of the summer storms
Able to grow and flourish even in the most damaged places.
You are beautiful.
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