When I decided not to settle.

Recently I watched Michelle Obama’s documentary called “Becoming”. It was a reflection of her days as the wife of the president of the United States and her view from her side of the fence.

She quoted this in the film and it made me think…

“Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the world as it should be?”

Michelle Obama, Netflix documentary “Becoming”.

As a Mum of two small children, who runs a business, who is always writing another book in her mind, it is difficult to find time to reflect on the world, as it should be.

Some days honestly, it is just easier to settle.

To settle for that take-home meal.

To settle for that quick fashion fix.

To settle for that plastic wrap.

Yet something interesting has happened over the last few months of isolation here in my little ordinary, suburban world. We haven’t bought any new clothes, we haven’t bought much take away food, and we have really just leaned into a place of cultivating simple practices of stay at home life.

In the midst of this global pandemic, we have realised the power of cultivating simple practices that change the power of our small imprint on the world around us.

Yes, it is easy to settle and there is no judgement there.

But what if we all just made simple changes.

Cultivated a practice of knowing our impact on the environment as a family.

Cultivated the art of encouragement around our family dining table.

Cultivated the practice of eating fresh produce and limiting our carbon footprint.

Amanda Viviers

Small things with a large impact.

How are you cultivating an environment within your family that helps heal the earth and our impact upon it?

About Amanda

Amanda Viviers has published ten books and is a presenter on radio across New Zealand and Australia. She is also the co-founder of Kinwomen; a network created to inspire women to start conversations that matter. Head of Narrative for Compassion Australia, she is driven by a passion for social justice, she loves supporting projects for women in developing countries. Teaching women to live creative lives, beyond the circumstances, is something she pursues daily. Wife of Charl and Mum of Maximus and Liberty, she lives a creative life, longing to see people live inspired. Pinterest/ Twitter/ @Mandaviviers Instagram: @amandaviviers Facebook: @amandaviviersperth