Innovation is about being original and creative in your thinking to add new ideas but ideas that bring improvement. Add value.
I would suggest we are all keen to be innovative in all areas of life: our work, our home and our relationships but it is a little like clothes shopping, it’s harder to find what you want just when you’re looking for it.
You need to develop a practice of innovation. So how can you do this? Here are three tips.
- There’s always a better way to do things so find it – live from a position of you’ve never arrived…you’re always looking for a better way.
- Surround yourself with inspiration – whether it be beauty, nature, input and well-chosen others. It will change your posture to look outwards and feel challenged.
- Stop living on auto pilot. Increase your awareness around your daily actions, thinking and processes because innovation starts in your everyday.
Innovation is part of our hope that our best days lie ahead. That life is always winding upward.
Thanks Kelley for a little “ prod” to keep moving and changing