“All of us have an ability to be open to fresh experiences and be flexible to change.”
My silver-fox 70plus-year-old mother went to our hairdresser recently – because we go to the same one now – to discuss the option of doing something different with her very long hair.
She came over to my home directly following her appointment to show me. It looked amazing – she kept her long locks but now she has different colours peeking through – turquoise, pink, green and blue – strikingly fabulous.
My mother has an open, creative spirit to new experiences.
It may be a natural and significant part of some people’s personality to be open to change and the new but I have come to believe all of us have an ability to be open to fresh experiences and be flexible to change.
We can all create and embrace new ideas, even though there may be times when we don’t feel like an open creative spirit.
Each opportunity I come across; whether at work, with friends or family to be open to change, I ask myself; in what little way can I move towards being a bit more open and flexible in this situation?
Whatever ‘way’ comes to mind, I move towards it – rather than move away.
Let’s have an open and creative spirit.
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