2020 has been a difficult year. Both for the global world and my world. My personal world. I have experienced once in a lifetime losses which have asked me to dig deep into the well of my values, my identity and my relationships. Gosh it has been challenging.
But now that months have passed, I am having the opportunity to look back. To see what has been left behind and I have discovered as much beauty as struggle.
I have found a new empathy for others. I have always loved people and felt an understanding for their pain. Now I feel that pain. Now I know the way it can make you undone and cause you to wonder if you can ever bring the pieces back together again.
I have found new depths of courage. I have always thought of myself as resilient and determined but these qualities have been put to the test and I have survived. And done so without guilt and regret. Without breaking.
And finally, I have found new hope. Pollyanna is my middle name but now she is all grown up. She has looked over the mountain and seen that there are slopes, potholes, caves and new mountains to climb – but she doesn’t hesitate for a moment. She runs at her future.
No regrets. No apologies.
A beautiful tribute to hope. I love your grown up Pollyanna. She’s brave and true. Xxx❤️❤️❤️
Encompassing the raw feelings of true deep loss with the balancing act of moving forward and appreciating the beauty that was in those relationships, you certainly did.
Hard to get there, but possible (I know) and rewarding.
Nicely put Mrs Chisholm. 🙂