In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Is that your dream? To be kind. Not the dream of fame, fortune, significance, to be needed or capable. But the desire to live a life sharing beyond yourself – because that what kindness is and kindness does. It looks outward as well as inward.
Kindness, the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate.
How trivial it sounds? Yet kindness has the power to break us. Each of us. Even the most resolute of men and women. And it is done with little fanfare. It is seen in the way we speak, words we use, our gestures and reflections. It is our acts of inclusion, acceptance, and forgiveness. Kindness reflects a generous humanity that allows for mistakes, risk taking and imperfection. It gives voice to a universal search for belonging and having value.
And each of these actions and qualities need not be reserved for strangers. I’ve heard talk of random acts of kindness. Most often reserved for those we do not know, those less fortunate or those struggling with challenges. But I would prefer to live a life of intentional acts of kindness. Including strangers and friends, seemingly broken and seemingly perfect, those I love and those who don’t like me, those in need and those in plenty. Because everyone needs the magic of kindness. It changes us.
And sometimes, just sometimes, I need to be a little generous with myself. Because lord knows, how often I need that same reassurance that I too belong and am valuable.
Brilliant and definitely topic of the year …totally relevant!
Where are the quotes regarding kindess? I’d love a copy please…