Em Hazeldean

About Em Hazeldean

Em is a lover of words, and has spent a lifetime recording the raw and intricate details of life in her journals and blogs. She speaks light and hope, and writes from a reservoir of deeply anchored faith in Jesus—as well as many long macchiatos. She is a wife, a mama to three kids, and a friend to many. Em has a bachelor's degree in English, Creative Writing and Journalism, and while her day job is as a library assistant, her superpower is editing and helping authors with their manuscripts. She believes in the beauty of tight hugs, freshly ground coffee and early mornings.

I failed at “advent” this year. I half-heartedly got out the quilted calendar, that I usually stuff with treats or cards with activities for my little people to do. By day 8, my ‘activity’ for the day was to “give your mother a cuddle”. Thankfully my kids didn’t think this […]

I failed at Advent