A new New Year theory. 3


Happy New Year, my friend. I hope the next 365 days are positively life changing for you.

If you are anything like me circa 2016, you are probably making a whole list of things you want to accomplish in the year, creating goal charts and asking Siri to set reminders of accountability. “ Siri, on February 1st, remind me to text bff with how many miles run last month” Usual mantra for me on the first day of the year.

But indulge me in a little bit of a new ‘new year’ goals theory if you will.



My theory is simple. Adventure lies in the journey, it waits in the process, it picks up its pace in the great hike of the doing. Do anything towards doing something and you are on an adventure. Heck, you are the adventure.

You see, the mark of a new year is not a second chance, but another first chance. I get giddy at the thought that with another year comes more laughter and more learning. The laughter is mostly good and sometimes as an alternative to crying. The learning is also mostly good but often comes right after the bad. You take what you need, and get going. Go lightly in the direction of adventure, you don’t need no heavy baggage on a good ride.

Adventures are often trying but thrilling.

A long hike to the sunrise.
A deep dive to the coral
A leap of faith for the love of your life or
an excruciating birth to your first born.

Trying but thrilling.

So…I have a list of things I would like to accomplish in 2017, but my true goal is to credit this beautiful mess of a body and mind that is mine, when I just give it a go. No over analyzing, no fearing what people might think of me, no doubting, just doing what is in my heart, authentically trying.

For where there is a try, there is a thrill. The arrival is nice, but the adventure is where the worth lies.

What adventures are you taking this year?



About Riyanka Panditha

Hello. I am Riyanka. Commonly referred to as “Ria” and daily loved by my family and friends. I am a child of God, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I love to sing, dance in the rain and make single servings of cake. I am known for my listening skills and my lack of response to Facebook messages. You can follow my writing more over at www.riyankaleah.com I was born in India, raised in the middle east, spent my most growing years in the US, married the hottest Sri-Lankan Australian hunk and moved to Perth, Western Australia 4 years ago! Life is extravagant, yet simple. Extravagant in love, simple in things. Just the way I like it :)

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