Kelley is currently in Rwanda and filmed a group of the women she has been staying with singing us a love song. ‘This is love Rwandan-style…begin welcomed with your own song saying “our visitors are beautiful”. Doesn’t get much better than that.’
I’m not sure whether it is that I was single for so long in my twenties and thirties or if being home more and living a simpler life has changed me, but I just find Valentines day so overrated. It really concerns me when I see people buying overpriced, under […]
Each of your stories is important. There are lessons you have learned that have the capacity to impact another. There is wisdom you have gathered that would inspire another lady. We all have a tale to tell and in the realm of Love, we have all lost and gained, been […]
The theme of LOVE for February is in full swing. Our radio spots go live everyday on 98five. If you would like to listen to them online though click the audio tab above or click on the following link.
Here is a video from a project Amanda is working on at the moment on her blog Its all about being true to who you really are.
We all long for authenticity in our lives. In the realm of love trust is built by authenticity. Take time today to sit and listen as Kelley speaks on authenticity in relationships. Continue the conversation with us, by emailing or commenting below.