
When was the last time you had a rib-scraping laugh? A rib-scraping laugh overtakes your body, your mind, and your soul. A rib-scraping laugh ends in tears that leak down your face and stress seeps out of you. A rib-scraping laugh sees you roll on the floor, clutch your sides […]
When Laughter Keeps You From Falling Apart

I saw the ‘man laughing on the train’ video on social media recently – and it’s a classic. There’s nothing quite like a good laugh. The scene is set with a train full of people. All heading in the same direction but minding their own business, not daring to look one another […]
Fly in the face of the status quo and laugh ...

Laughter. Being able to have a good laugh and feel that feeling that only laughter brings is something that I know I need regularly. The challenge, however, is often my responsibilities get in the way. I remember as a child that laughter was so much a part of who I […]