“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Theodore Roosevelt
A few years ago I became a Mum for the first time and although this transition was full of many delights and dreams realised, letting go of the person I was before becoming a Mum was one of my greatest challenges.
I couldn’t just travel to new places with ease.
My schedule was often restricted by feeding schedules, sleep times and routine.
I over thought every little detail wondering whether my baby was being fed enough or not enough. I worried about everything.
The greatest difficulty in stepping into a new season is reframing how you see yourself from the perspective of letting go who you were in the past.
It is easy to stand to face what your previous life was and compare everything in your today with who you were in a previous season.
However, I know that every time we surrender to the possibility of our today, change and great opportunities is awakened?
What are you struggling to let go of today?