When a job rejection helped me rediscover my purpose


“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” – Bob Goff

It was one in the morning and I had been lying in the darkness, trying to fall asleep for over three hours. My husband was snoring softly beside me but my mind was troubled and heavy with thoughts that would not be still.

I’d been turned down for a job. It wasn’t a big deal, really. It wasn’t even a paid position. But the rejection stung, and left me wondering; who was I even?

A couple of years earlier, I’d left my job as an English teacher to start a family. I loved being a mum, and I did not take that for granted. But we were in a good groove, and I felt like I could take on something else. In my professional life, I had gone for promotions and won them. I’d taken on extra work and nailed it.

But when I applied to lead a small ministry at my church, I’d been told no.

When I stepped out of my professional world and into the role of stay at home mum, it seemed as though few of the things I was good at counted for much anymore. And besides that, I’d left behind the people who knew what I could do; gone was the personal cheer squad of colleagues who would rally on my behalf!

These were all the thing I was churning over as I lay there.

What was my place in this world?

In addition to raising these beautiful children, what contribution should I make?

Sleep was not going to happen so I gave up. I popped the kettle on and sat down with my bible.

“God, please help me figure out what I should be doing,” I prayed.

I decided to continue reading my bible from the place I had left off…

1 Peter 5:6&7, in Eugene Petersen’s ‘The Message’ version. The heading had my attention; ‘He Will Promote You at the Right Time’

6-7 So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.

It felt like the comforting whisper of my heavenly father; you just need to trust me, Yvette!

I knew that God was telling me that this opportunity I had missed out on wasn’t part of the plan He had for me.

I felt a deep intimacy with God in that moment. He had chosen to show me, through his word, that he had not forgotten me. He knew what I was good at. His timing and his ways were perfect. I need not worry.

Have you ever felt overlooked or undervalued?

“Don’t put on airs!” God tells us. Be content with who you are. God sees you and knows what you can do, and He has a plan for your future.

Live carefree before God. He is most careful with you.


Yvette Cherry

About Yvette Cherry

Yvette work as a Pastor with the Baptist Churches of Western Australia where she has the enormous privilege of encouraging and equipping women in church leadership and ministry. Wife to Leigh and mother to four beautiful little girls, Yvette combines motherhood, church leadership and study at Vose Seminary where she is working toward a Master of Ministry. An extroverted introvert, Yvette loves deep conversations, with lots of people, about stuff that really matters; leading from the stage as a worship leader and itinerant preacher; and learning from people who know more than she does. But most of all, she really loves curling up with a good book, flaking out with her husband, and writing on her blog. You can find her at www.yvettecherry.com