You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God.
Matthew 5:3 (The Message)
I regularly come to the end of myself. The point where I am done. All done. Undone. It may be parenting, work, relationships or self-management. And in those moments (or periods), my idea of perfect lies in tatters. I recognise that I have limits reminding me that I am human and fragile.
Recently I read a quote from Drew Barrymore;
“Beautiful is the way you feel inside. If you’ve reacted or behaved well, I think you’ll feel attractive.”
I loved it. I even posted on Facebook about it. I understood the challenge to follow this truth – but I didn’t even make the next 24 hours. Instead I had a run in with a school crossing guard. The details don’t need to be discussed. But I reacted poorly. Really?
I don’t think I am alone. Well I hope not because here is the advice, I gave myself. Take a good look at yourself Kelley and see your imperfection – it will help you remain kind and empathetic – see the log in your own eye.
And then LOOK UP. You are not alone in your brokenness. And you are not alone in needing help. And the best of help, comes from the God who loves you most. Warts and all.