I love this quote by Robert Muller, a past peace activist with the UN.
What the world needs most is openness: open hearts, open doors, open eyes, open minds, open ears, open souls.
It’s a quote that really says it all. The word ‘openness’ applies to so much more than the heart. It is about having the capacity and willingness to know that life is not locked away. It is not a done deal.
It is do-over,
a have a go,
a take another chance,
a learn another lesson,
kind of life.
All the way until it is finally over.
But to live like that, requires that we are open. To the old and the new. There are times we look around and discover that we have left behind or left out our greatest treasures. On other occasions, we need exchange our comfy slippers for fly-knit runners.
For across a lifetime, we remain works in progress. Works of art that are expansive and malleable. With plenty more versions to come.