I was sitting across the zoom call with one of my coaching clients.
Running through the things that they wanted to do with their business.
It came slamming down. The litany of ‘to-do’s’ felt like a crushing weight of inadequacy and financial pressure. As a small business owner and entrepreneur., you can often feel like you’re forever behind ‘the true influencers’. Chasing your tail and investing in programs, branding, websites, email platforms, and advertising — and not having a clear vision or alignment with them. Leaving frustrated, cash poor and tired.
Here’s the thing, no matter how flashy your email is, how sparkling your photos are or how much you’ve invested in the best web copywriter on the earth…..they are forever wanting YOU.
The lie of the hustle, and propaganda of the entrepreneurial space, is that a click funnel, a freebie, or a snazzy advertisement will make you more successful.
What makes you more successful is YOU BEING YOU!
We shy away from spending the time in curating our true identity because it can be messy, long-winded, complicated and confronting. However, the sustainability of branding, expansion, creativity, and influence comes from the center of your own self knowingness.
We can not forget that the forever-ness of building your business comes from knowing who you are and finding your people through your own sense of authenticity, creativity, and courage.