Engaging in Emotions

Kin Women APRIL 2018 Blog Images (11)

“You can only understand people if you feel them in yourself.”

John Steinbeck

I love stories; I love to explore, to write and to imagine different endings and the cul de sacs of wonder in the life of an everyday person.

Social media, however, has changed the way I access everyday people’s stories. It is easy to scroll through someone’s deep confession because scrolling has become an everyday reality in our life.

It is easier to text rather than have a conversation.

It is easier to flick a photo rather than sit in the discomfort of sharing deeply with a family member and it is easy in our over saturation world of information to allow familiarity to breed contempt.

This month on kinwomen we are chatting about fearing less about feeling deeply.

Sitting in a conversation that is deep and uncomfortable can be awkward at times but when we create space to really hear, rather than respond it makes our relationships so much stronger.

Do you have fear of feeling deeply?

It is okay so do we often.

Amanda Viviers

About Amanda

Amanda Viviers has published ten books and is a presenter on radio across New Zealand and Australia. She is also the co-founder of Kinwomen; a network created to inspire women to start conversations that matter. Head of Narrative for Compassion Australia, she is driven by a passion for social justice, she loves supporting projects for women in developing countries. Teaching women to live creative lives, beyond the circumstances, is something she pursues daily. Wife of Charl and Mum of Maximus and Liberty, she lives a creative life, longing to see people live inspired. Pinterest/ Twitter/ @Mandaviviers Instagram: @amandaviviers Facebook: @amandaviviersperth