A poem by Jo-Anne Gordon
When you were born,
the world was torn
into separate corners.
New rules were made
for labour and play
while each country raised its borders.
When I was born,
the world was worn
but we shook another’s hand freely.
It’s changed a lot,
may I offer what I’ve got
on life that is lived so differently.
There are matters, dear daughter,
that I have respected,
precious details to be expected;
Truth is told in people’s eyes,
pleasure and fear,
courage and cries,
this, I am certain, no mask can hide.
People are saddened,
people are strained,
people are longing,
we are born for belonging.
Keeping connected is a modern-day art.
It’s a true gift of peace
to touch someone’s heart.
Isolation is
an enemy’s game,
so look other’s in their eyes
as you listen for their name.
Soo touching…