We have all been there; that long road trip with kids or family members that seems to go on and on, forever! With the awkward and annoying question from the back seat.
“Mum, are we there yet.”
The problem is that we have hardly even left the city and that question comes firing into the car. When I had my children as babies in my arms. I remember asking the same question of God.
“Are we there yet God?”
You see the journey that seemed to take forever, was the relentless pursuit of novice motherhood and my husband and I used to say over and over, “One day they will be both at school full time and everything will change.”
And here I find myself now, both kids enrolled in full-time school and the funny thing is this; I am learning that although we want to arrive at a place in the future, the beauty about this thing called life, is the journey is far more important than the destination.
And the more we ask the question “Are we there yet”, the longer the moment seems.
Forever is available right now. Embrace this season and this moment, it is the beauty of what we have today in the present.
Beautiful thoughts, Amanda. ‘Forever is available right now.’ ❤️❤️❤️
Yes it is. Thankyou
I love this Amanda. We are constantly waiting and wanting what is “out there”. The only destination we are really waiting to arrive at is heaven, actually God. Heaven is about being constantly with God, without all the dross of this world. If we think of the Lord’s Prayer, in heaven, as it is on earth, it is all here, now waiting for us, in each and every moment, but, there is still the dross.
I think when we stop, press into God, walk with Him each day, how ever that may look, allow Him to be a part of it, each and every moment, we will always be “there”. We just have to realise that and know that everything is just a side agenda to the main destination.
Thanks for the provoking thoughts. So much out of so little.
Have a blessed week.
Cheers, Debbie
Thankyou so much for your encouragement. Yes indeed