Monthly Archives: April 2013

We are working together with a women’s refuge to build a fence. We have so far raised $520, which is just over half of what we need to build this fence. Be part of the answer with us. Bank details: picket fence Name of organization = S.O.U.L. Care Westpac Rockingham […]

Our fence

Amanda is in the midst of a 10 week challenge. She is eating clean She is excercising every day She is reflecting every day And she is finding the process really challenging. This is from her website This journey is difficult but defining. Join the conversation Kin women

difficult but defining

Kinwomen Reno Rescue We are building a fence for a home that houses young women who are pregnant off the streets. Whats so important about a fence? For us, it signifies security, safety and a sense of home. We want to make this house as comfortable and as safe as […]

Be the change? build a fence

On April 27, Saturday, 9am we are running our first event. Kinwomen Reno Rescue We are painting, gardening, cleaning up and throwing away junk at ‘The house of hope’, which houses pregnant women who have found themselves on the streets, without safe dwelling. We are also funding a white picket […]

Reno Rescue